United States Office of Personnel Management
This site provides a simple and straightforward mechanism to help Americans, with and without disabilities, better understand how to hire and retain persons with disabilities.
It also provides access to information that is relevant to the recruitment, employment, and retention of individuals with disabilities in the Federal Government. This information includes Federal and state laws as well as other governmental and non-governmental sites.
They have attempted to identify helpful guidance and information to assist in the recruitment and retention of persons with disabilities. This site is not designed, however, to address or respond to individual circumstances. Individualized inquiries should be addressed to the current or potential employing agency.
Hearing impaired users may utilize the Federal Relay Service (external link) by dialing 1-800-877-8339** to reach a Communications Assistant (CA). The CA will dial the requested number and relay the conversation between a standard (voice) telephone user and text telephone (TTY) user.