ESS-C-237n Current Pay Stub or Earnings Statement (Rev 2022-08-12)

Form Number: 


The EC will obtain a copy of the paystub or earnings statement.
The paystub lists details about the pay rate, hours worked and benefits received. A pay stub is part of a paycheck that lists details about the employee’s pay. It itemizes the wages earned for the pay period and year-to-date payroll. The pay stub also shows taxes and other deductions taken out of an employee’s gross earnings. And, the pay stub shows the amount the employee actually receives (net pay).
This may be an earnings statement downloaded from the employee’s payroll account web page but must contain all of the information.
All documentation must be emailed to the DRS Counselor for payment and be maintained in the Case Documentation.
Contracts: SESC, SEC, ERC, and JPC


File Origination or Revision Date: 

Rev 2022-08-12