ESS-C-285n Electronic Résumé (Rev. 2022-08-12)

Form Number: 


The Electronic Résumé will be developed by the individual and the EC either as a word document or as a Visual Résumé to showcase the individual's skills, education, personality, and abilities. The resume will be kept updated while services are being provided to the individual and the EC will instruct the individual how to write and update their own resume for future use.

An electronic resume is a resume that is submitted to a potential employer electronically. The purpose of an electronic resume is to apply for jobs online. There are two methods for applying for positions online: 1) via electronic mail or e-mail; 2) or via the Internet through a web page.
A Visual Resume is a document that contains graphic representations of your key highlights and skills to make a better impact.


File Origination or Revision Date: 

Revised 2022-08-12