Oklahoma School for the Blind

OSB is a residential and day school for children and youth with visual impairments. The School also serves as a statewide resource for the education of blind and visually impaired children in the public schools. Programs and services include:

  • Academic instruction through 12th grade;
  • Instruction in specialized adaptive skills such as braille, orientation and mobility, use of assistive technology and low vision aids, and independent living skills;
  • Vocational training and work-study opportunities;
  • College preparation;
  • Social, cultural and recreational activities including sports teams, music, band competitions, and a variety of student organizations;
  • Outreach services providing technical assistance to help teachers and parents develop appropriate individualized education programs for visually impaired children in public schools;
  • Related services such as student assessment, counseling, physical therapy, speech and language therapy, audiological services, health care and parent education and counseling; and
  • Library and Media Center with educational materials in alternate formats including Braille, large print and recordings. Assistive devices to try out or borrow include talking appliances, magnifiers, closed-circuit TVs for print enlargement, electronic Braille notetakers and much more.
  • Summer Enrichment Program: Oklahoma Kids: A Kaleidoscope. For 1st - 12th grade students who are blind or visually impaired. The summer program is for children and youth who do not regularly attend the School for the Blind. The program offers specialized skills instruction, remediation, reinforcement in academic skills, training in use of assistive technology for the blind, recreation and social skills development. Children are transported home each weekend of the four week session.


3300 Gibson St.
Muskogee , OK 74403




Toll Free: 

877-229-7136 (in state only)



Guide Location: 

01:02, 01:3B, 02:02, 07:3J, 07:3ZY, 11:01, 12:1A,