Questions about the media? We can help.

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newspapers, smart phones and tablets with news stories showing

DRS is a great agency. The media is our friend. We want them to spread the word about our programs and services. Let’s work together. Questions? Please contact Communications Director Jody Harlan at 405-203-1318 or [email protected].

Media Questions

The media is calling. Can I talk to ‘em?

Generally, yes. Their questions generally fall into two categories:

1) Glad you asked that! Most reporters ask routine questions about DRS – the kind you answer every day. They want a local quote. So why not talk, or refer the reporter to a local manager or senior staff best qualified to answer? Don’t forget to mention DRS and your division or school’s name!

2) Oh, no! If a reporter’s asks questions about sensitive matters or complaints, or you don’t know the answers, ask those reporters to contact Communications Director Jody Harlan at 405-203-1318 or [email protected]. We normally answer in 15 minutes. Please share the name, organization, contact info and background info with Jody.

Media Release

Hey, we’ve got a story tell. Do we need a media release?

Communications staff will help you promote your programs or events with print and broadcast releases. We also use new media strategies that target specific populations or geographic areas. Frequently, your successful clients star in our releases to keep the public interested. In fact, we write 125 to 165 media releases each year, resulting in hundreds of media hits and positive responses. We want to be a partner in your success. We work with you to tell your story.

Tip: Please give us at least two weeks’ notice if you can. This gives your story the best chance to be seen in weekly media.

Let’s get started. Contact Jody Harlan, Communications director, at [email protected] or 405-203-1318.

Program Marketing

Sometimes you need more than one media release. You might need a series or a campaign to launch a new or expanded program. Let us help you find the news angle that works for you.

Event Marketing

We can help you promote your special events or programs. Whether you want to engage clients or students, or recruit potential employers, let’s develop a strategy that gets attention and brings you face-to-face with the people you want to reach.