Government Transparency Act of 2019

Name Agencies or Entities: Visits to lawmakers are a must.


Fiscal Year:

Name Agencies or Entities: registering people for the event and providing them with the contact info of their representative

Purpose: You can still have an awards ceremony with an outside stage set up.


Fiscal Year:

Purpose: How about a virtual presentation with photos and perhaps short video segments posted to the DRS Facebook and website pages?


Fiscal Year:

Name Agencies or Entities: speakers maybe

Purpose: maybe a newsletter now and program later.


Fiscal Year:

Name Agencies or Entities: Allow us to visit legislators offices and speak with staff.

Purpose: Through a media push - an ad in the paper, a story done by a news station, or social media campaign. By making a financial contribution to the award winner's organization. Hosting a reception at the award winner's organization.


Fiscal Year:


Fiscal Year:
